Tuesday, July 26, 2011

26 July Overview

1964.2 calories, 91.1g protein, short on iron (71%) and potassium (92%).  Omega 6:3 2.66:1.  A really good day, nutritionally.

I'm starting to get into the no-meat-before-dinner groove.  I think I might do it more permanently.  Digging my huge lunch salad.  I am planning on getting a giant vegetarian sandwich tomorrow for lunch, but partially so that I can save part of it to eat before capoeira if I need it.  My goal is to get through the whole class without feeling dizzy/nauseous, so part of that involves eating more.  The other part is making sure I'm hydrated.

Oh, and today I actually had to make an effort to add salt to dinner because my sodium levels were low the rest of the day.  Awesome.

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