Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Accountabilibuddy musings

(or, "I'm not CRed, I'm just a little CRON-curious")

Okay, maybe I'm running out of modifiers for my musings.  But I was thinking a little bit about that awful South Park episode where I got my title/subtitle on my drive in to work today.  This blog is a bit like a CRON buddy, someone to whom I am accountable at the end of the day.  Already last week, there were a couple of days where I didn't have an extra snack because it would have put me over my calorie goal without adding anything nutritionally or socially.  Specifically because I would have to blog about it in my dailies.

Felt very chill in meditation at the end of my yoga practice this morning, especially considering I went running first (rajas up the blood).  Then I had my new breakfast of Greek-style yogurt, fruit, nuts, flaxseeds, and honey with another iced latte, this time with hazelnut extract and a bit of raw sugar.  Yum.  Fiddled about in CRON-o-meter designing a breakfast cookie based on a carrot cookie recipe from 101 Cookbooks, and altered to reflect the fact that it's summer and the markets are just full of cheap zucchini.  So, zucchini cookies.  For breakfast.  Next week.  Should be fun.

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