Sunday, July 31, 2011


I'm still all new to this Ashtanga yoga thing, but I realized that part of the vinyasa sequence that I found on is greyed out.  Oh, I'm not actually supposed to do the full vinyasa between every posture in the primary and finishing sequences?  Cool.  So I guess I'm in the process of refining my personal practice.  I'm doing primary series (should I capitalize that?) up to Purvottanasana, along with all the warm-up and finish postures.  I love the flow and connection to the breath on which Ashtanga focuses, and I definitely stronger and more limber.

After my morning practice, I had a sticky bun that I brought back from my dad's yesterday, along with some fruit salad that my step-mother sent home with us.  It was a good sticky bun.  I have a long tango lesson this afternoon, so I'll just have a grilled cheese for lunch and then I'm planning a nice chicken dinner since the meat farmer at the market has fresh chickens today.  I hope we get a chicken.  Might not be the absolute best day nutritionally, but I should stay under calories.

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