Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ugh, sore musings

My run this morning was definitely not good.  I wonder if I really need those 100g of protein I'd been getting every day.  You'd think 80-90g would be enough for a woman my size, but I guess I do more exercise than I thought.

Of course, it could also have something to do with the lump of nasty bruisedness on my shin.  Although, I didn't actually feel soreness in my legs, just an overall heavy, dead feeling.  My body is fighting back against all the things I make it do.  But I *like* being active.  So my lazy body can just deal.

I'm definitely planning on making cookies for breakfast next week.  I kind of want to make chocolate pudding sometime soon, too.  Maybe tomorrow, even though we still have ice cream.

I"m going to see Cowboys and Aliens tonight at midnight.  We'll see how that goes; I'm saving my iced coffee for an evening treat to fight my natural urge to pass out around 9:30pm.  And I'm going to have to figure out how the heck I'm going to drag my tired ass to the gym tomorrow morning.

Got my yoga done after running this morning.  I definitely feel more limber after a post-run yoga session than when I just do some static stretching for 5 minutes.  Yum, post-yoga limberness.

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